Author Bio

MW cropped3I’ve been putting stuff on paper for about 20 years, mostly ideas or short stories. Sometimes, it’s just a title (ask me sometime about The Demon & Mrs. Chang).

But I’ve been a storyteller my whole life.

I was the kid who developed an intricate storyline for playing, whether with friends or by myself. I was the daydreamer sitting in a tree, staring at the wheat fields but seeing nothing as my mind ran free amidst hills of inspiration. I was the raconteur near the campfire drawing forth ghost stories from the flames.

Like many others, I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a novel, perhaps idealizing the lifestyle as portrayed in so many movies. Now, I see the idea as a way to play a larger role in the world, namely helping children have better lives. When it comes to improving the lives of children, I think books are an integral part of their development. Whether increasing the nation’s literacy rate, creating a more compassionate society, or expanding their minds to think in creative ways, we all benefit.

For me, inspiration has appeared on a path in the woods, falling from the rotting rafters of an abandoned building, or perched upon the petal of a flower, always daring my imagination to follow wherever it led.

Everyone has a calling – some never heed it. I am a storyteller and I’ve answered the call.


Michael was born on the North Dakota prairie in a rural town so small, it’s technically a village (he lived on the paved road, but didn’t let that go to his head). In a place where nothing really happened, but within sight of a major interstate highway, he spent his childhood watching people pass by on their way to more interesting destinations. As a result, he turned inwards, finding that his imagination could take him anywhere.

And now he wants to take you along.